Over 1500 join World Refugee Day protest

At least 1500 people took to the streets for the World Refugee Day rally in Sydney on June 19. Thanks to all those who endorsed (full list below) and helped promote the rally. There were also rallies held on the day across the country in Melbourne, Adelaide, Darwin and Perth (Brisbane’s rally is this week).

Click on “read more” for links to media reports of the day, photos and a short video of the protest.

“Thousands turn out for World Refugee Day”, ABC online

ABC 7pm TV news report on the rallies

Short video of rally (by Peter Boyle)

Slideshow of photos by Jagath Dheerasekara (some are below)

Message from inside detention on World Refugee Day from “Jaffa”, an Afghan asylum seeker














Sydney rally endorsed by: AID/WATCH, Australian Council for International Development, Australian Council for International Development, Australian Tamil Congress, Balmain for Refugees, Bathurst Refugee Support Group, Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group, Braidwood Greens, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney, ChilOut, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (NSW), Cross Border Collective, David Shoebridge (MLC, Greens), Dr Claudia Tazreiter, UNSW, Edmund Rice Centre, Eva Cox (Research Fellow, Jumbunna, UTS), Fairfield Liverpool Greens, Friends of the Earth, Sydney, Greens NSW, Inner Sydney Greens, Jamie Parker, MP, Greens (Member for Balmain), Justice John S. Purdy, Labor 4 Refugees (NSW), Lake Macquarie Greens, Marie Coleman, Women’s Advocate (Senior Australian of the Year 2011), Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney Branch, Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW, Muslim Youth of Sydney, National Tertiary Education Union NSW, Newcastle Greens, Northern Beaches Greens, NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Paramatta Greens, Refugee Action Coalition, NSW, South Sydney Greens, Student Environment Activist Network – NSW & ACT (SEAN), Sydney Peace Foundation, University of Sydney, Tweed Greens,  Sydney University Anti-Racism Collective, Union Aid Abroad/APHEDA, UNSW Anti-Racism Club, UNSW Student Representative Council, UTS Anti-Racism Collective

Reports on the rally in Melbourne: The Age, Herald Sun, and photos from the rally

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