There is every indication from inside the Villawood detention centre that the Covid outbreak remains out of control among residents and staff.
Neither staff nor detainees are being RAT tested daily, despite increasing case numbers. Only staff reporting symptoms are being tested.
Up to another eight positive cases are being reported from Lachlan compound, and it is understood that Covid is now also in Hume compound.
The serious staff shortages among cleaning, kitchen and medical staff has seen dramatic reduction in services inside the centre.
Detainees are no longer able to access property and medical services are restricted. Nurses are doing 12 hour shifts, with some working 96 hours a week.
Food of questionable nutritional value is being delivered in plastic containers to detainees in high security isolation in Blaxland compound.
Other infected compounds are also essentially locked down, with residents confined to their rooms, unable to access or exercise in the yard of the compound.
All activities and gym access are cancelled for all detainees.
Absences among cleaning staff means compounds are not being properly cleaned, and the lack of maintenance (never good at the best of times) means some compounds are without washing machines.
Two detainees had to move rooms in Blaxland this morning (Tuesday) after rain came into their room.
“Nothing has been done to remove vulnerable detainees from Villawood. The lack of proper protocols for infection control has left Villawood in the grip of Covid. Vulnerable detainees remain at high risk of being infected,” said Ian Rintoul, spokesperson for the Refugee Action Coalition.
“The outbreak has left the detention centre under severe strain while the lack of RAT testing also means that the outbreak is not likely to be brought under control any time soon. Rather than being able to get into fresh air, being confined to compounds heightens the risk that Covid will continue to spread inside the centre. Compounds that so far have avoided infection remain at risk.
“An urgent inquiry by NSW health authorities is needed into the Covid protocols being implemented by Serco and Border Force at Villawood. It is urgent that vulnerable detainees are removed from the high risk of infection in the detention centre.”
For more information contact Ian Rintoul 0417 275 713