Public forum with Les Murray

Speakers: LES MURRAY SBS soccer commentator who (with Dateline) recently returned to Hungary to find the people smuggler who helped his family flee the country in 1956 MIKE GREWCOCK (author of Border Crimes & UNSW Law lecturer) EDWINA...

RAC forum

Speakers: DR MICHAEL DUDLEY (Suicide Prevention Australia) 6pm Monday May 28, NSW Teachers Federation 23-33 Mary St, Surry Hills This year marks 20 years since the introduction of mandatory detention. Before 1992, refugees who had arrived by boat...

World Refugee Day rally 2012

Thanks to all those who made it to this year's World Refugee Day rally on Sunday June 24, marking 20 years since mandatory detention began. About 500 turned out at Sydney Town hall to hear...

As closure deadline looms, Manus refugees secure the fences

As the deadline for the closure looms, Manus refugees are this evening (Monday 30 October) securing the recently damaged perimeter fence against possible attacks (see photo). Meals are no longer available in the centre. Refugees...

World Refugee Day Rally 2013

Thanks to everyone who made it to the World Refugee Day rally on Sunday 16 June. There were about 400 or 500 in attendance, a really determined crowd in the face of the worsening...

Morrison defeat a step forward for refugees, now bring them all here

The news that the Medivac amendments have been carried by the federal parliament is being celebrated on Manus and Nauru, tonight. There are twenty-five men in PIH hospital in Port Moresby that must be...

Building Bridges Festival

Featuring the Herd, Watussi, Dog Trumpet, Ember and ROSiE 6pm through to 12am Friday, May 18 The Standard, Darlinghurst $30 plus booking fee or $20 concession plus booking fee. For more information and to book go to The...

Welcome Ranjini’s son: End ASIO refugees’ detention for life

Rally 11am Sunday 10 February at Villawood detention centre (Miowera Rd entrance) Ranjini’s new baby boy, Paari, will grow up in detention for life because she is being held in detention indefinitely due to an...

2012 Easter convergence on refugee detention centres

Over Easter refugee activists from around the country converged on Darwin to refocus attention on the reality behind the wire of mandatory detention. Darwin is rapidly becoming Australia’s detention capital, with three detention centres...