Hundreds of refugees to rally in Canberra to demand permanent visas

Hundreds of refugees and asylum seekers will rally at Parliament House, Canberra from 11am, Tuesday, 6 September, to demand that the government acts on its promise to grant permanent visas to all refugees on temporary visas.

Justice for refugees rally

The end of the Coalition government is welcome. But the fight for refugee rights is not over until the thousands whose lives they tore apart gain permanent visas, and boat turnbacks and offshore detention end.

Photo action: Protest is safe, detention is not #FreeTheRefugees

Download signs to hold or to put up in a window or near where your live below Please take a photo this Friday, in an online solidarity action to support refugees and refugee activists. Since the...

Palm Sunday online action: how to join in

Download a sign you can use here In light of the Coronavirus crisis, the Palm Sunday organising committee has made the difficult but necessary decision to cancel the 2020 Palm Sunday Rally. This does not mean...

Palm Sunday rally 2019

Say Yes to Refugees: #BringThemHere Rally on Palm Sunday 2pm Sunday 14 April, Belmore Park (near Central station) Invite your friends to the Facebook event at Download versions of the leaflet and poster to print here (or email...

Kids off, everyone off rally

Rally 2pm Saturday 27 October, Hyde Park north Invite your friends to the Facebook event Speakers include: GEORGE NEWHOUSE Principal solicitor, National Justice Project, involved in legal action to get children and adults off Nauru NICOLE JUDGE...

Change the rules for refugees forum

6pm Wednesday 27 June Trades Hall, 377 Sussex St, Sydney SPEAKERS: Judith Wright, Deputy Secretary, Australian Services Union (NSW/ACT) Shawfikul Islam, Rohingya refugee and NUW oragniser, Melbourne Shannen Potter, Young Labor Left Mark Goudkamp, Refugee Action Coalition The rules for refugees...

Half-day conference: Offshore detention, resistance and alternatives

New Law School Lecture Theatre 024, Sydney Uni Session times 1pm-2.15pm Manus, Nauru and the US deal Speakers: Maria (Refugee who was on Nauru until last year), Tim O’Connor (Refugee Council of Australia), Ian Rintoul (Refugee Action Coalition) A...

Step up the pressure: Rally to close the camps, bring them here

1pm Saturday 27 August, Sydney Town Hall The election result means the Coalition now have only the thinnest of majorities and are in a much weakened position. Offshore detention is facing a major crisis over...

Rally for Fazel 5.30pm Friday @ Immigration Dept

Rally for Fazel No more deaths in detention, Close the camps now 5.30pm this Friday 13 November, Immigration Department, 26 Lee St, Sydney On Sunday night Iranian Kurdish refugee, Fazel Chegeni, was found dead on Christmas Island....