Urgent action to stop asylum seeker deportation

An emergency protest has been called at the Air China Sydney office at 1:30pm, (20 February), Air China Sydney Office, 25/123 Pitt Street Sydney (near Wynyard Station). Wei Lin, the Chinese asylum seeker whose deportation...

Mardi Gras will highlight plight of Nauru gay refugees

A 200-strong “No Pride in Detention” float and contingent in Sydney’s Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras will highlight the plight of Nima and Ashkan, (not their real names, photo attached) two gay refugees on...

Questions remain over government misleading Sinhalese asylum seekers; lawyers must have access to Nauru

There is evidence that the government is deliberately using the “voluntary” repatriation of Sinhalese asylum seekers to cover-up its failure to provide legal advice to asylum seekers arriving after 13 August. “The six Sri Lankans...

Female Villawood detainees stage protest hunger strike

Around 40 female detainees in Villawood are staging a protest hunger strike from 11.00am today, Thursday, 12 July. The protest follows abrupt changes announced on Monday that confine all women to the Lima compound. The...

Extreme vetting, extreme confusion: Turnbull must say no to Trump’s ban

The White House statement that the US resettlement deal with Australia is still “under consideration” has blown Malcolm Turnbull’s re-assurances about the deal out of the water. Turnbull’s report of his phone call with...

Urgent action to stop Iraqi deportation after Minister refuses to act on shonky migration...

The Refugee Action Coalition has called a protest for 10am, Monday 23 December, at NSW Law Building, Philip Street, City. The protest is calling on the Immigration Minister Scott Morrrson to act immediately to stop...

Government attempts to remove Biloela Tamil family from Australia

Although court documents had been lodged in the Federal Circuit Court for the Tamil family, and a directions hearing scheduled for early May, last night (Tuesday) the government attempted to remove the Tamil family...

Car torched as Nauruan local terrorise refugee settlement

Nauruan locals have terrorised a refugee settlement on Nauru. Around 3.30am, Friday morning (16 December), refugees were awoken by locals shouting “F*** refugees; F*** Off; Go to America.” Doors were bashed and rocks pelted...

Fifth group of refugees leave Nauru for the US

The fifth group of refugees will leave Nauru today (Sunday, 4 March) to be resettled in the US. The group of 29 refugees (21 adults and 8 children) comprises four families (two Sri Lankan, one...

Nauru refugee women celebrate International Women’s Day with protest

Nauruan refugees and children of all nationalities celebrated International Women’s Day, yesterday, 9 March, with a protest at the Ijuw compound – photos attached. The protest comes less than a week after scores of women...