Refugee advocates are alarmed at the spate of politically motivated decisions by Immigration Department officers barring visits to detention centres. In the last week, Ian Rintoul from the Refugee Action Coalition has been barred from...

Refugee advocates fear screened-out Geraldton asylum seekers being removed

Refugee advocates fear that a charter flight leaving Christmas Island today (around midday Christmas Island time) is removing Sri Lankan asylum seekers to Colombo. “We have grave concerns that the government has screened out some...

MITA hunger strike continues: End the lockdown, provide chairs

The hunger strike protest by immigration detainees in MITA North that began on Tuesday 8 January, is now into its fourth day. Detainees have also spent their third night outside their rooms, resisting the nightly...

Advocates call to sack Dutton: Detention regime corrupt from top to bottom

In the light of the revelations of drug-running in Christmas Island, refugee advocates have called for the sacking of Peter Dutton, an end to mandatory detention and to holding 501’s, so-called criminal deportees, in...

Sri Lanka is not safe for asylum seekers or refugees

Media Release January 15 Refugee groups today completely rejected claims by the Sri Lankan government that asylum seekers or refugees could return to Sri Lanka without fear of harm. “This claim by the Sri Lankan government...


Media Release July 7, 2010 Refugee groups have condemned Julia Gillard’s new direction for the processing of asylum seekers. Nothing in her speech addressed the immediate issues of the rights of asylum seekers languishing in...

Out of control: Nauru police strip and hand cuff refugee worker

An Iranian Arab refugee was held naked and handcuffed for a night and a day at the Nauru police station after he was arrested last Thursday night (10 March). The refugee, who also works for...

PNG refugees in dire straits as services and safety cut

A farcical statement from the PNG Chief Migration Officer, Stannis Hulahau, has left refugees bewildered.

Perth asylum seeker two-week hunger strike against arbitrary detention

The Refugee Action Coalition is calling for the immediate release of an Iranian asylum seeker who has been on hunger strike in the Perth detention centre for around 20 days. Mehdi, a 38 year-old Iranian...

Bosnian refugee on hunger strike against punitive isolation detention

A 37 year-old Bosnian refugee, Adin (not his real name), is on hunger strike at the Brisbane Transit Immigration Accommodation (BITA) detention centre. Today (Sunday, 29 November) marks the sixth day of his protest at...