Tragic death of asylum seeker at Merak legacy of Indonesian Solution

Media Release December 24 “The tragic death of a young Tamil man on board the refugee boat at Merak was completely avoidable,” said Ian Rintoul, spokesperson for the Refugee Action Coalition. Despite appeals to the Indonesian...

Refugees tell Australian government, “Act compassionately–there is no Indonesian Solution”

Media Release December 21 As Tamil Oceanic Viking refugees arrive in Australia, those on the boat at Merak and in immigration detention in Indonesia have called on the Australian government to act compassionately and guarantee...

Indonesian protest in support of Merak asylum seekers

Media Release December 3 A coalition of Indonesian activist groups is holding a rolling protest in Jakarta, Friday 4 December, in support of the Tamil asylum seekers still occupying their boat at Merak. The protest will...

Fears for Tamil asylum seekers – one disappears in Sri Lanka and Indonesian navy...

Media Release December 3 Refugee advocates are calling on the Australian government and the International Orgnaisation of Migration to urgently intervene to guarantee the safety of the Tamil asylum seekers on the boat at Merak. Large...

Merak asylum seekers appeal to Red Cross for humanitarian aid

Media Release November 25 Refugee advocates in touch with the asylum seekers on the boat at Merak, Indonesia, have refuted media claims that there has been a fight between those who want to stay on...

Appeal to the Australian government from Merak asylum seekers

Media Release November 18 The asylum seekers on the boat at Merak have issued an appeal to the Australian government. The statement dictated to the Refugee Action Coalition from the ship is printed below. “Following the...

Refugee groups reject Sri Lankan government allegations against “Alex”

Media Release November 7 Refugee groups have condemned the statements from the Sri Lankan government alleging that Alex is a people smuggler. “It is the Sri Lankan government and the Australian government that are on trial,...

Julia Gillard brings shameful reminder of Tampa

Media Release Oct 15 “Julia Gillard’s claim that the Sri Lankan Tamils taken to Indonesia are Indonesia’s responsibility is a shameful reprise of the Tampa incident in 2001,” said Ian Rintoul, spokesperson for the Refugee...

Refugee groups condemn Ruddock and the Liberals’ refugee bashing

Media Release 15 October “Desperate Liberals, sliding further behind in the opinion polls, are trying to turn refugees into a political football once again. Ruddock’s comments about a ‘pipeline of 10,000 asylum seekers’ are on...

Government policies are forcing asylum seekers to use people smuggers

Media Release 13 July 2009 The drama and uncertainty that still surrounds the fate of many of the asylum seekers whose boat got into trouble almost a week ago, has thrown the spotlight on the...