Ten refugee medical transfers from Nauru suddenly granted community detention

Remarkably, the ten refugees and asylum seekers who had been held in isolation in the Meriton Apartments in Brisbane for the past four days have been suddenly released and placed in community detention in...

Rally against refugee deportations

9.30am Tuesday August 24, 2010 Report on the action on SBS http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1335357/Tamils-challenge-offshore-processing SMH report http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/protesters-support-asylum-seeker-case-20100824-13lt4.html The Australian government is preparing to deport hundreds of asylum seekers back to danger. The refugee campaign must organise to stop these...

Palm Sunday rally success

About 3000 people turned out in appalling weather in Sydney to demand an end to the horror the Abbott government is inflicting on asylum seekers on Nauru and Manus Island, and call for an...

The Big March for Refugees

2pm Sunday 15 October, Hyde Park South (Corner Elizabeth and Park Sts) Download an A4 version of the poster to stick up at work or near where you live Invite your friends to the...

Over 1500 join World Refugee Day protest

At least 1500 people took to the streets for the World Refugee Day rally in Sydney on June 19. Thanks to all those who endorsed (full list below) and helped promote the rally. There...

Protests at Villawood and Curtin over Easter

Around 250 refugee supporters rallied outside Villawood detention centre on Easter Monday April 25, to support asylum seekers staging a rooftop protest inside the centre, pictured above. Over Easter activists in Perth also took a...

RAC forum

ASIO and Refugees No charge, no trial: life sentence Speakers: Niromi de Soyza (author, Tamil Tigress) Stephen Blanks (lawyer in High Court challenge to ASIO checks and Secretary NSW Council for Civil Liberties) There are currently about 60 people...

Support the doctors’ march for refugees

CLOSE MANUS CLOSE NAURU 1pm Saturday 5 November, Hyde Park north Doctors for Refugees is calling on all Australian doctors and their supporters—specifically other health professionals but also the general public—to march on November 5th to...

Rally at ALP conference

Sunday December 4 Meet 12pm Sydney Town hall  Speakers 1pm Darling Harbour convention centre outside ALP conference Speakers: Ged Kearney (President, ACTU) Shane Price (NSW Co-convenor, Labor for Refugees) Ian Rintoul (Refugee Action Coalition) Hazara and Tamil refugees Initial endorsements:...

Convergence on Canberra

Join refugee groups from around Australia to travel to Canberra on Monday 18 November to protest during the first sitting period of the new Abbott government. Monday 18 November, buses leave Sydney 7.30am The Coalition government...