Manus protest defies Foxtrot shut-down threat

A mass protest at the Foxtrot compound on Manus Island has defied Border Force orders to move and demanded that power and water be officially restored to the compound. (See photos) The protest gathered at...

Forum with Malaysian refugee rights activist Angeline Loh

Why we must REJECT Gillard's Malaysia deal Angeline Loh works for the Malaysian human rights organisation Aliran, which has published the independent media magazine Aliran Monthly for over 30 years, surviving numerous government attempts at...


A public forum organised by the Refugee Action Coalition Speakers: Riz Wakil (Afghan refugee, former Curtin detainee) Aaron Hulse (Get Up! campaign director) Amnesty International speaker Refugee Action Coalition speaker As the federal election approaches, the major parties are engaged...

Stop Morrison’s war on refugees

Rally at Immigration Minister Scott Morrison’s office Saturday 19 October, Monro Park near Cronulla station There were reports on the rally in the local paper, great photos from the rally here and also on New Matilda and elsewhere. View a short Youtube clip...

Protest at Villawood

Media coverage: Report in Fairfield City Champion ---------------------------------------------------------------- No to the Malaysia ‘Solution’: FREE THE REFUGEES Rally 12pm Sunday July 24 Meet at Gurney Road (near Cnr Brown St), Villawood If you are outraged by the inhumanity of Australia's treatment of...

Rally to support Darwin asylum seekers

End mandatory detention End offshore detention Outside Dept of Immigration Lee St (next to Railway Square, Central) 12.30 Friday 3 Sept Speakers include Sylvia Hale (NSW Greens), Ian Rintoul (RAC) “We strongly condemn the refusal by the police and the...

Urgent action needed for Darwin hunger strikers as ‘Martin’ nears death

Fifteen Iranian asylum seekers are on their 19th day of hunger strike in Darwin’s Wickham Point detention centre. Meanwhile Martin, who has been on hunger strike since November last year is very weak and...

Speech by Dr Michael Dudley to rally November 30

This speech was delivered by Dr Michael Dudley, Co-Chairperson, Suicide Prevention Australia, to the rally outside Tanya Plibersek's office a few weeks ago With acknowledgements to Dr Fran Gale Thanks for the invitation to speak. I have...

Palm Sunday Rally April 17

Free the refugees End mandatory detention No deportations No offshore processing Sunday 17 April, 1pm Sydney Town Hall, marching to Hyde Park Speakers include: Iraj Moghadam, Iranian refugee and ex-detainee Sr Susan Connelly, Mark MacKillop Institute of East Timor Studies David...


Labor's proposed East Timor regional processing centre: Why we should say no Speakers: Luis Belun, Citizens against an Austalian Asylum Seeker Processing Centre in Timor Leste, via phone from Dili. Sr Susan Connelly, Mary MacKillop East Timor...