Footage from protest at Villawood last week

Protesters approach the detention centre as detainees take to the roof Greens Senator-elect Lee Rhiannon speaks at the rally after visiting detainees on November 17

After the High Court decision…

RALLY FOR REFUGEES No to Malaysia, No to Nauru: No offshore processing End mandatory detention 12pm Saturday October 15, Sydney Town Hall Speakers include: Sarah Hanson-Young (Greens Senator), John Menadue (Founding Chair, Centre for Policy Development, former head...

Stand up for refugees pre-election rally

Say no to another Tampa election Let the refugees in Close all detention centres No to offshore processing Rally 1pm Saturday 7 August Sydney Town Hall Called by Refugee Action Coalition for more info contact Ian 0417275713 or Diane...

Forum: Eyewitness from Nauru

6pm Monday 25 November, NSW Teachers Federation building , 23-33 Mary st, Surry Hills Speakers include: Former nurse on Nauru + Mark Isaacs (former Nauru detention centre worker) Read about Mark's time on Nauru here The Coalition...

Boat people’s convergence on Abbott

Meet Saturday 22 February 11am at Circular Quay Wharf 3 for Manly ferry or meet 12pm Manly Park To march on Tony Abbott’s office No boat turn backs Close Manus Island and Nauru Permanent not temporary visas


COMMUNITY PROCESSING MUST START NOW The Refugee Action Coalition is calling a protest outside the Sydney offices of the Immigration Department, 26 Lee Street, 12.30, Wednesday 26 October. Speakers at the protest will include Dr...

Special Refugee Action Coalition forum

FORTRESS USA, FORTRESS EUROPE, FORTRESS AUSTRALIA: How the West excludes refugees & the poor SPEAKERS: Shaun Harkin (Chicago immigrants’ rights movement) Speaker from European 'no borders' movement Monday April 18, 6pm NSW Teachers Federation, 23 Mary St...