Another Nauru hunger striker hospitalised after 28 days; Omid 52 days on hunger strike

Jamal, a 35 year-old Ahwazi Iranian asylum seeker on Nauru has been taken from the detention camp to the Nauru hospital this (Sunday) morning. Jamal has been on hunger strike for 28 days, and for...

Security-cleared refugee on hunger strike for freedom

Egyptian refugee Sayed Abdellatif, long denied a permanent visa on dubious security grounds, has finally been granted a security clearance by ASIO.


Media Release, 17 February, 2011 Refugee supporters and relatives of the survivors’ relatives again gathered at the Miowera Road gates of Villawood detention centre at 8.30am Thursday, 17 February to call on the Minister of...

Community anger at asylum seekers abrupt shift from Villawood

Up to 82 asylum seekers at Villawood detention centre in Sydney have been told they are to be shifted from to Curtin and other more remote detention centres. Detainees were given a letter yesterday, Monday...

Iranian refugee attempts suicide after USA rejection

An Iranian refugee has attempted suicide on Nauru, only hours after she was notified that she had been rejected for resettlement in the US. Around 11pm Monday (7 May) Nauru time, the middle-aged woman was...


Six long term immigration detainees, four refugees and two asylum seekers, being flown from Christmas Island to Villawood on Sunday morning have been told that they will be handcuffed for the entire journey. Despite protests...

Seven refugees leave Nauru for US resettlement

Seven refugees (from Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka) will leave Nauru today (Wednesday 10 July), for resettlement in the US. This brings the total number of refugees from Nauru and Manus to be...

Peaceful march to Australian High Commission on Nauru

Almost 80 refugees staged a peaceful protest march to the Australian High Commission, this afternoon on Nauru. The protesters chanting "Morrison - shame on you" delivered a letter to the Australian High Commission and to...

Kurdish refugee dead on Christmas Island: another victim of long term detention

It is believed that an Iranian Kurdish refugee, Fazel Chegeni, has died on Christmas Island. The man, in his early 30s, escaped from the North West Point detention centre 48 hours ago – on Friday...

Free Reza from jail on Nauru: contact Nauruan Consulate-General

Update: Reza was released from prison without charge on 2 December: thanks to everyone who contacted the Nauruan consulate Reza Khestinzhad, the Iranian asylum seeker who climbed the crane on Nauru on Friday 27 November,...