Stabbing incident in Yongah Hill detention

A Turkish man, around 32 years old, has died after being stabbed at the Yongah Hill detention centre.

End the turnbacks, let asylum boats land

The second asylum boat turn back to Sri Lanka under the Albanese Labor government has highlighted the fundamental breach of human rights involved in such turnbacks. 

COVID outbreak in Melbourne detention centre; Ardern must push for release of New Zealanders

There are at least eight positive COVID cases in the Bass 2 compound of Melbourne's MITA detention centre in Broadmeadows. 

Another suicide at Villawood detention centre

A New Zealand woman in her early 30s has committed suicide in Villawood detention centre, this morning, Sunday 22 May. Her body was found in her room by other immigration detainees around 10.45am this morning shortly...

Iranian refugee attempts suicide in Villawood

An Iranian refugee, Rafi (not his real name) has attempted suicide in the Lachlan compound of Villawood detention centre on Friday afternoon, 22 April. The man, who was meant to be on high watch surveillance...

Iranian asylum seeker found dead in Villawood detention centre

An Iranian asylum seeker was found dead in his room in Hume compound of the Villawood detention around 1.00pm, Saturday 26 March. It is understood that the man took his own life. The man, aged in...

New Zealand face-saving deal can’t hide refugee cruelty

While the New Zealand deal is welcome news for people in limbo in Nauru, the deal only highlights the absurdity of Australia's refusal to resettle those they sent to PNG and Nauru in 2013....

Home Affairs faces criminal charges alleging health neglect in Immigration detention

On Tuesday 15 March, a Sydney Local Court magistrate is expected to set down a hearing date for the charges, laid in March last year, against the Commonwealth government’s Department of Home Affairs, and...

Ukrainian refugees are welcome, open the border to Afghans fleeing war too

Hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled Ukraine following Russia’s brutal invasion. They should all be welcomed, and Australia should help play a role. Scott Morrison has already flagged a special intake on top of...

COVID outbreak grips Villawood detention centre

There is every indication from inside the Villawood detention centre that the Covid outbreak remains out of control among residents and staff. Neither staff nor detainees are being RAT tested daily, despite increasing case numbers....